
Icepak Macros


Overview of Macros in ANSYS Icepak

 What are Macros ?
 Macros for Geometry Modeling
 Macros for Advanced Modeling
 Macros for Model Verification

What are Macros ?
 In addition to the standard features and functionalities,ANSYS Icepak offers several additional capabilities via specialized sub-routines known as ‘Macros’.
 Macros in ANSYS Icepak enhance the scope of an Icepak Thermo-Fluid analysis via the implementation of advanced modeling schemes/methods.
 Macros make the overall Icepak modeling experience more productive via efficient geometry creation and model verification tools.
 Although Macros are not standard features, there can be overlap between macros and standard features.
 Macros can be broadly classified into 3 categories,
  Macros for Geometry Modeling
  Macros for Advanced Modeling
  Macros for Model Verification


Macros for Geometry Modeling
 Heat sink creation

Macros for Geometry Modeling –Approximation
Objective: Quick, easy creation of cylindrical and polygonal objects.
 1/4 Cylindrical Polygon
 Circular Polygon

Objective: Easy creation of customized Heat Sink objects.
Heat sinks:
 Detailed Heat Sink
 Angled Fin Heat Sink
Special Heat Sinks:
 Radial-Cylindrical Hub
 Folded Fin
 Radial-Cylindrical Hub Triangular fins
 Circular Based Pin Fin-Generalized pin fin
 Lance + Offset

 Macro will create fin geometry consists of several block objects
 All the blocks corresponding to fin will be placed in a single assembly

Customized Heat Sinks - Examples
Radial Cylindrical Hub Skived Lance + Offset Heat Sink
Radial Cylindrical Hub  Triangular Fins  Circular Based Pin Fin Angled Fin

Macros for Geometry Modeling –Rotation
Objective: Used to rotate Blocks, Plates by any angle (0o -360o).
 Individual Plates
 Individual Prism Blocks
 Group of Prism Blocks
 Individual Polygonal Blocks

Rotation of Prism Blocks
 A prism Block can be rotated by any angle about the X, Y or Z axis.
 The block can be pivoted about a Point, the Centroid or an Edge.
 Blocks rotated are converted from Prism to Polygon


Macros for Advanced Modeling
 Datacenter Modeling
 Thermostat Modeling
 Heat Sink Calibration
 TEC Modeling
 LED Modeling
 IC Packages Modeling
 IC Package Characterization (Delphi Extraction )
 JEDEC Test Chamber Macros
 PCB and Vias Modeling

Model Verification Macros
 ACCT Macro:Automatic Case Check Tool (ACCT) Objective: To detect the objects/assemblies which violate the rules of nonconformal (NC) meshing in ANSYS Icepak.
 Vertex Cleaner:Objective: To Clean up the Polygonal vertices to get good mesh

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